
Before we can move onto our third and final operation with del, we need to be introduced to the mathematical concept of circulation. We know work done is defined by \( \mathrm{force} \times \mathrm{distance} \) where the distance moved is in the direction of the force.

If the force \( \vec{F} \) is constant and in the same direction as the displacement \( \vec{l} \), then the work \( W \) is given by $$ W = \vert \vec{F} \vert \vert \vec{l} \vert $$ If the force is constant but at an angle \( \theta \) to the displacement, $$ W = \vert \vec{F} \vert \vert \vec{l} \vert \cos\theta = \vec{F} \circ \vec{l} $$ If the force is not constant, and the angle between the force and displacement varies along the path, then we need to consider the path as being comrpised of infinitesimal displacements \( d\vec{l} \), $$ dW = \vert \vec{F} \vert \vert d\vec{l} \vert \cos\theta = \vec{F} \circ d\vec{l} \nonumber $$ Now let's add up all these to find the total work done in moving along the path, $$ W = \int_C \vec{F} \circ d\vec{l} $$

The subscript \( C \) reminds us that it is a line integral along the path \( C \).

The circulation is when we evaluate the work done around a closed loop where the start and end points are at the same location. The direction of integration is anti-clockwise by convention. $$ \mathrm{Circulation} = \oint_C \vec{F} \circ d\vec{l} $$ This operation can be thought of as how much the field follows the path \( C \) that we take.
A conservative force field is one where the work done is only dependent on the start and end points. Therefore the circulation around ANY closed path \( C \) in a conservative field will be zero as the start and end points are the same. These conservative force fields have an associated potential energy function, and they are related like so $$ \vec{F} = -\vec{\nabla}\phi $$ Where \( \vec{F} \) is the vector force field and \( \phi \) is its scalar potential energy function. This may look familiar to you as we saw previously that electric fields can be related to their potential in the same fashion. This is true for electrostatic fields only which are due to stationary charges. Electric fields due to changing magnetic flux are not conservative! Do not get confused with this.