
Vector fields such as the one shown below appear to circulate. We want to find an operation which takes a vector field \( \vec{E} \) and produces another vector field \( \mathrm{curl}(\vec{E}) \) which tells us at every location how much the field rotates and in which direction.

We saw previously that the circulation can be thought of as how much the field moves around an area, but we want to work out how much it rotates about a point. How do we do this? As our operation produces a vector field we must calculate each component separately. We define the \( \hat{n} \) component of the curl which is in a direction normal to a surface \( \Delta A \) as the ratio of the circulation around a closed loop \( S \) to the area \( \Delta A \) that the loop encloses. Then we let this area tend to zero down to a point. $$ \mathrm{curl}(\vec{E}) \circ \hat{n} \equiv \lim_{\Delta A \rightarrow 0} \frac{\mathrm{circulation}}{\Delta A} = \lim_{\Delta A \rightarrow 0} \frac{1}{\Delta A} \oint _C \vec{E} \circ d\vec{l}$$

We dot our curl vector field with \( \hat{n} \) as it brings out the \( \hat{n} \) component of the curl.