Further Reading

As a student I am fully aware of how textbooks are usually really hard to read. They skip steps in derivations, go into too much detail and assume too much prior knowledge from the reader, so here are three books which I would highly recommend reading:

Daniel Fleisch. A Student's Guide to Maxwell's Equations. Cambridge University Press. - Not in library :(

I used this book from day one in the course. It is an extremely well written book, in fact, it's amazing. If there is any book to get your hands on, it's this. It gives simple explanations of everything you need to know about Maxwell's Equations and how to use them. It also has an associated website with solutions to questions and podcasts from the author. What more could you need?!

H.M. Schey. Div, Grad, Curl and All That: An Informal Text on Vector Calculus. W. W. Norton & Company.

Again this book is extremely well written and informal. Its main application is electromagnetism but it has a lot more from a mathematical point of view. It has very good explainations and derivations of the three operations which helped me in writing this website. It also contains a lot which will help in the Maths 3 module! Killing two birds with one stone, eh?

P.C. Matthews. Vector Calculus. Springer.

Much like the book by H.M. Schey, this book has more from a maths perspective but has very nice short chapters on all the operations. It has a lot more than is required by both the Maths and Electromagnetism course, but don't be put off, a lot of the stuff we do is in it and it's easy to follow. This will also help with Maths 3.